Three Reasons For What’s Holding Us Back

The Chicken or the Egg

Come on In, The Water’s Fine!
This morning, I told Jacob and Sophie that we’d be going swimming after baseball camp. By “we” I meant my husband and the two of them. “Why aren’t you coming?” Jacob asked, annoyed. “Oh, I’ll be there….I’m just not going in,” I told him. This was not – or shall I say, should not, have been news to him. I show up at all kinds of bodies of water — even in my bathing suit, which is one of my least favorite parts of the whole ordeal. But getting into a chilly lake, ocean or pool just is not my cup of (iced) tea.
“Mom,” Sophie said calmly. “How about if we give you as much time as you need to get used to the water? We promise not to rush you.” “Yeah!” Jacob said, in a rare moment of twinship.
I have to say that I’m considering it. If Jacob and Sophie keep their end of the bargain – which, as they know, includes no splashing, rushing or taunting — perhaps I can take my time to make something I dread more enjoyable for me, which will make a great experience for my kids.
Where do you need to take it slow so that you can acclimate? What’s your “cold water”? And who can help you make it a warmer experience?
To your Success without the Tsuris,
Great Question #2 from a Strategic Planning Session
So, when we last left off, our question was “Is it sustainable”?…
What an ironic question. Every time I sit down to blog, I tell myself “Keep going! Don’t quit! Do another one tomorrow.” And alas, now three weeks after the last blog post I realize that blogging is only sustainable for me if I commit to doing it by scheduling it into my calendar.
So enough about me: Here’s the second great question:
“Does it add value?”
I mean, think about it: What’s the point in doing something sustainable (“Yes, we can keep doing this!”) if it doesn’t add value (“But who cares if we do or we don’t?”)
Think about something you are doing at work. For example, you say, yes, we’ve committed to holding Monday morning staff meetings (sustainable). But how are you adding value by doing that? What objectives are you achieving — or even more pointedly — what objectives are you achieving in your regular Monday morning staff meetings that could not be achieved any other way?
Before you add anything else to your to do list, run what you currently have listed through the two questions: Is it sustainable? Does it add value?
Then, see what you can eliminate before you add more.
And keep me in the loop!
Get Moving on those Goals by Eating Elephant Steaks
Few things stop us as much as the start.
Face it: you can set all the goals in the world, but actually taking the first step towards achieving it can be the biggest hurdle of all. Often the goals we set are difficult, complex, or ask us to make tough choices. So we don’t even start.
Here’s a piece of advice that has helped me, and many of my clients, get started on goal attainment: Think of elephants.
Of course…elephants! Elephants??? What about ‘em?
Here’s Elephant Tip #1: Eat elephant steaks. It’s nothing new, and it’s based on the old, old joke, “How do you eat an elephant?” “One bite at a time!”
I know, I know…not kosher…(the joke OR the elephant).
Think of the goal as an elephant, and then cut that elephant into steaks. Steaks that are substantial enough to be noticed on your plate, but not so big that they choke, stuff or scare you. Then cut that steak into bite-size pieces, and eat one at a time.
Try this approach:
Goal #1: ____________________________________________________________
Elephant Steak 1:______________________________________
- Bite 1:_______________________________________________________
- Bite 2:_______________________________________________________
- Bite 3:_______________________________________________________
Elephant Steak 2:______________________________________
- Bite 1:_______________________________________________________
- Bite 2:_______________________________________________________
- Bite 3:_______________________________________________________
Elephant Steak 3:_____________________________________
- Bite 1:_______________________________________________________
- Bite 2:_______________________________________________________
- Bite 3:_______________________________________________________
…and so on.
Having trouble cutting your elephant into steaks, or your steaks into bites? Ask a friend, family member or someone you trust to help you cut your meat. Just like in the old days!
Wondering what Elephant Tip#2 is? Stay tuned…