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    Reading this Blog (and Oprah, Business Week, and People Magazine) Can Dramatically Change Your Relationships!

    I’ve got a file 3 inches thick called “IDEAS” that sits on my desk as a receptacle for every article I rip out of newspapers and magazines. Whether it’s Psychology Today, Entrepreneur, or yes, even Oprah Magazine, if I read it, and think someone else could relate to it, I rip it out.

    • Read it
    • Relate it
    • Rip it

    Many of these articles are food for thought for my newsletters, articles and blogs. Some of them are for home use, and I’m very, very careful with the articles I read, relate and rip for my husband Michael.  Trust me: he has no patience for the thinly-veiled ruse called, “I saw this article and thought you’d be interested in it” when in fact, I really mean “Here’s an article I read that highlights something about your personality, behavior or habits I’d really like you to change, and I am hoping the article can do the dirty work rather than me speaking with you about it directly or realizing that this just isn’t going to change. That doesn’t fly around here. Other articles are for you (yes, YOU) and if you haven’t gotten one from me yet, I look forward to sending one your way soon!

    Here are some of the articles I have hanging around:

    • Time-Saving Tools and Technologies for Professional Speakers
    • It’s Showdown Time: How to Take the Fight Out of Confrontations
    • Leadership in Turbulent Times
    • Transforming Professional Relationships
    • 10 Blogs to Write Today (I’m actually using this one RIGHT NOW)

    I consider my bank of articles (and yes, sometimes they are online and I email a link to them) one of my best relationship-building tools. I love reading something and thinking, “Aha! Amy would love this one!” and then sending it along. It’s a win-win – you get something of value and I get the opportunity to give you something useful that demonstrates that I genuinely know what’s important to you and that I care. And when someone sends ME an article? Well, I am tickled pink. Even if it’s not quite on target, the very act of you thinking of ME makes me happy.

    I do notice that the articles my mom sends me tend to focus on a particular theme: They are typically about people who do what I do – coaches, speakers and trainers — and are much more famous than I am. Because I know her and love her (and I know that she loves me), I recognize that her goal is not to make me feel like an underachiever. In fact, her consistent message through her articles is: “You should be every bit as famous as these people are – if not more!”  Mom, if it’s bashert it’s bashert. I know that you’re relying on me to get you into the Oscars one day. Right now, I’m happy to have a job that I love. And thanks for always wanting the best for me!

    So, as a personal and professional relationship-building tool, keep reading. And relating. And ripping. (Sending is, of course, the final step). Want me to send you an article? Email me your address and I’ll pop one in the mail that you’ll LOVE! Besides, I’m always looking for a reason to quit work early and cuddle up with the new Real Simple!

    To your Succcess without the Tsuris,

    Eat, Eat! A Lesson on Networking

    “More business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than at any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject.” Peter Drucker

    Lunch? Dinner? Who has the time?

    Well, the Jewish mother in me says, “You gotta eat!” The organizational coach in me says, “If you’re gonna eat, you might as well eat strategically!” No, strategic eating doesn’t mean making sure that your meal has vegetables, protein and carbs (but don’t tell that to my nutritionist). It means using your “down time” for a higher purpose.

    I know this is not new. There are books about it, like “Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time” by by Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz.

    But in the same that NBC TV calls their re-runs “New To You” if you haven’t already seen them, if you’re not already actively networking, then this is, in fact, New To You.

    Here are some questions to get you started:

    1. If your network were “perfect” what three things would be different for you?
    2. Where do you want to go in 6 months? a year? 3 years?
    3. Who specifically can help you get there? How?
    4. What’s keeping you from taking a more active role in your own development?

    …and one more:

    5. Who in your existing network is draining you rather than giving you energy, and what might you do about this?



    “Deb has been a respected speaker and facilitator for a number of our JCC conferences over the past few years. While I've heard about her energy, hard work in preparing, and meaningful content, it took her recent keynote speech at our annual JCCs of North America Professional Conference to make me realize what an incredible asset she is. Watching her present a content-filled, energetic, and personalized session -- without using any notes -- was very impressive. Deb is a multi-talented, serious, and impactful presenter."

    – Allan Finkelstein, Past President and CEO, JCC Association of North America

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