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    Your Personal Invitation is Inside: Harvard Business Review, Facebook, and YOU!


    The man who can’t accept criticism can’t become great. – Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav 

    • Does giving feedback make you sweat?
    • Does getting feedback make you sweat even more?
    • Does your organization give feedback only during annual performance reviews?
    • Would your professionals rather eat a bug than give lay leaders direct feedback – and
      vice versa?
    • Does your culture feel too “nice” for negative feedback?

    If any of these sounds like you, you’re invited to get some new skills, perspectives and confidence around giving and receiving feedback.

    Please join me and Harvard Business Review for “How to Give and Receive Effective Feedback,” a 30-minute Facebook Live event beginning at 10 am EST on Thursday, December 15th.  I’ll be sharing my top tips, tools and techniques, and you’ll have the opportunity to ask me questions and get some direction and support.

    Click here to visit Harvard Business Review’s Facebook page to join me. 

    Click here to add this complimentary event to your calendar.


    “Deb has been a respected speaker and facilitator for a number of our JCC conferences over the past few years. While I've heard about her energy, hard work in preparing, and meaningful content, it took her recent keynote speech at our annual JCCs of North America Professional Conference to make me realize what an incredible asset she is. Watching her present a content-filled, energetic, and personalized session -- without using any notes -- was very impressive. Deb is a multi-talented, serious, and impactful presenter."

    – Allan Finkelstein, Past President and CEO, JCC Association of North America

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