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    Testimonials from Jewish Coaching Academy Participants

     We have had the pleasure of bringing Deborah into St. Louis three previous times and each time she wowed our professionals and lay leaders with diverse topics including communication, supervision and motivation.  In 2014, we made a major commitment to offer Deborah’s Jewish Coaching Academy and we were thrilled to recruit 25 professionals and 15 lay leaders to participate in an 8 hour training experience (20 each day) and to build on Deborah’s training with ongoing peer coaching in 2015. Every aspect of Deborah’s training met or surpassed our expectations. At the end of the day, most commented that their views of managing and motivating others completely shifted.  Several referred to the experience as life changing.  Deborah has a very special and unique ability to make the learning informative, interactive, inspiring and fun at the same time.  Deborah Grayson Riegel’s Jewish Coaching Academy will impact our leaders and St. Louis Jewish community for many years to come.

    – Marci Mayer Eisen, Director, Millstone Institute

    Deborah’s Coaching Academy helped me focus on asking better questions in professional development scenarios, and helping people get to the solutions themselves without giving advice.  I walked away with concrete tools that were immediately applicable to a variety of professional interactions.

    — Aviva Zucker Snyder, Hillel International, Washington D.C.

    Deborah is magical. She engages her learners in telling their own stories, provides concrete opportunities to learn and practice with and from colleagues, and makes sure that every participant has concrete plans to practice and receive support as they step out on their own. The Academy is of profound value, whether you wish to learn or strengthen your coaching skills, enhance your supervisory practice or simply improve your listening skills. I love every opportunity I have to learn from Deborah.

    — Sarah Shapiro-Plevan, Founder and Lead Consultant, Rimon Consulting, New York

    Jewish Coaching Academy

    Jewish Coaching Academy is coming to New York City

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    For Professional Leaders, Managers and Lay Leaders of Non-Profit Organizations

    (*or anyone who wants to learn coaching skills for their work or life, whether you’re new to coaching or looking to update your skills)

    In seeking wisdom the first step is silence, the second: listening, the third: remembering, the fourth: practicing, the fifth: teaching others. 
– Poet Solomon ibn Gabirol

    Coaching skills have been identified by leading business and non-profit experts as critical for building and sustaining strong and effective professional and volunteer leadership. The Jewish Coaching Academy is designed for professional and volunteer leaders to quickly and easily acquire those skills to increase board, member and professional engagement, improve communication, reduce conflict, build teams and foster deeper relationships across the organization and the community. It draws from the most advanced knowledge base in the coaching field and is translated into a simple, intuitive and highly transferable framework for busy leaders, while infusing the learning with the Jewish values that are the foundation of our work and lives.


    Who is this ideal for?

    • Senior and emerging volunteer leaders
    • Professionals who supervise staff and those who directly engage lay leaders
    • Individuals who want to add coaching to their professional portfolios

    What do coaching skills help you do?

    • Retain valued staff and volunteers
    • Help new supervisors successfully transition into management
    • Support veteran supervisors in dealing with disengaged employees and tricky situations
    • Re-energize, reinvigorate and re-commit your staff
    • Encourage self-directed, self-motivated work
    • Increase accountability and empowerment up and down the organization
    • Improve interpersonal communication
    • Build the confidence and competence of new lay leaders
    • Assist teams in adapting to rapidly changing needs and situations
    • Help boards and committees to identify their priorities and take action
    • Help seasoned leaders find the energy and passion to strategize and recommit to the work ahead
    • Support lay leaders in designing their personal paths to financial commitment and involvement
    • Boost healthy, happy and productive lay/professional partnerships
    • Rediscover “the Jewish” in everyday work and life

    As well as…

    • Help colleagues, friends and family find greater satisfaction in work and life
    • Get new perspectives and strategies for dealing with old problems
    • Give yourself additional credibility by learning a critical professional skill set highly valued in any industry

    Now you can have those tools available to you – anytime, for anyone and for any challenge or opportunity – by learning coaching skills. And only the Jewish Coaching Academy teaches these skills through a Jewish lens that’s understandable and accessible to everyone, regardless of background or education.

    What You Will Learn:

    • Coaching as a distinct methodology for being an inspiring and effective leader, and how it differs from supervision, mentoring, consulting and therapy
    • When to coach and who to coach (as well as when and who NOT to coach)
    • How to listen to what is being said, as well as to what is underneath the words
    • Ways to make a question powerful enough to unlock new thinking, ideas and perspectives
    • Tools to tap into others’ strengths so they can advance their own personal, professional and leadership goals
    • How to help people set and meet motivating goals that are bigger (and more inspiring) than the ones they might set without coaching
    • Ways to create commitment and accountabilities that stick
    • Ways to inspire others through Jewish values, stories and experiences
    • New ways of solving your own challenges and dilemmas

    How is this delivered?

    • On-site, in your community
    • At one of our live, public programs
    • On-line

    Our Team is in The Media

    Our team of facilitators, coaches, consultants and speakers are cited experts and contributors to some of the world’s most respected publications.


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