Appreciative Inquiry Virtual Mini-Summit: Shifting the Focus from Problems to Possibilities
Do any of these issues keep you up at night?
Creating Happy, Healthy Lay-Professional Partnerships
Creating a Culture of Philanthropy
Increasing Collaboration
Embracing Change
Embracing New Technology
Delighting Our Donors or Members
- What if you now had the opportunity to participate in a powerful, interactive process that would help you shift from what you have now to what you want and need?
- What if you could finally get some movement on a burning issue or opportunity that you’re wrestling with at your organization?
- What if you could bring a small group of stakeholders together – professionals and/or lay leaders – to generate new outcomes for old challenges easily and soon?
- What if you had the antidote to doing a boring old SWOT analysis?
MyJewishCoach is pleased to offer you a unique opportunity to engage in an interactive, powerful strategies planning process, Appreciative Inquiry Virtual Mini-Summit: Shifting the Focus from Problems to Possibilities, being held over webinar on July 28, 2015 from 1-4 pm Eastern facilitated by Deborah Grayson Riegel, a certified Appreciative Inquiry trainer and coach.
You bring:
- A challenge, opportunity or dilemma that feels important to you and others (we will work with you in advance to get this Summit-ready)
- A small group (4-12) of key stakeholders (professionals. lay leaders and/or others)
- A group leader for this project
- Flip chart, post-it notes, pens, and markers
We provide:
- The step-by-step process
- Handouts
- A Leader’s guide with facilitation instructions
- Accountability, coaching, support and direction all along the way
Sample Agenda
(Note: The facilitator will stay ONLINE during OFFLINE sections and will be available by phone the whole time in case of questions or issues that arise).
1 PM: Welcome and Introductions ONLINE
1:10 PM: Framing the day and Getting in the AI mindset ONLINE
1:20 PM: Step 1: Discovery. You and your group will break up into pairs or triads and engage in storytelling to find the “positive core”, followed by your leader’s debrief – OFFLINE
1:50 PM: Get back ONLINE and report in findings
2 PM: Framing Step 2: Dream ONLINE
2:05 PM: Step 2: Dream. You and your group will do two different short activities to identify participants’ visions for the future OFFLINE
2:30 PM: Get back ONLINE and report in findings
2:45 PM: Framing Step 3: Design ONLINE
2:55 PM: Step 3: Design. You and your group will do engage in small group Design Thinking to drill down on what you need to start, stop and continue doing to turn your vision into a reality for your Federation OFFLINE
3:30 PM: Check in ONLINE and prepare for Destiny.
3:35 PM: Facilitate Destiny conversation about specific requests, offers, commitments and next steps OFFLINE
3:50 PM: Final check in ONLINE and Wrap Up