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    Appreciative Inquiry Virtual Mini-Summit: Shifting the Focus from Problems to Possibilities

    July 28, 2015 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
    Virtual Summit
    249.00 Per Team
    Deborah Grayson Riegel

    Do any of these issues keep you up at night?

    Creating Happy, Healthy Lay-Professional Partnerships
    Creating a Culture of Philanthropy
    Increasing Collaboration
    Embracing Change
    Embracing New Technology
    Delighting Our Donors or Members

    • What if you now had the opportunity to participate in a powerful, interactive process that would help you shift from what you have now to what you want and need?
    • What if you could finally get some movement on a burning issue or opportunity that you’re wrestling with at your organization?
    • What if you could bring a small group of stakeholders together – professionals and/or lay leaders – to generate new outcomes for old challenges easily and soon?
    • What if you had the antidote to doing a boring old SWOT analysis?

    MyJewishCoach is pleased to offer you a unique opportunity to engage in an interactive, powerful strategies planning process, Appreciative Inquiry Virtual Mini-Summit: Shifting the Focus from Problems to Possibilities, being held over webinar on July 28, 2015 from 1-4 pm Eastern facilitated by Deborah Grayson Riegel, a certified Appreciative Inquiry trainer and coach.

    You bring:

    • A challenge, opportunity or dilemma that feels important to you and others (we will work with you in advance to get this Summit-ready)
    • A small group (4-12) of key stakeholders (professionals. lay leaders and/or others)
    • A group leader for this project
    • Flip chart, post-it notes, pens, and markers

    We provide:

    • The step-by-step process
    • Handouts
    • A Leader’s guide with facilitation instructions
    • Accountability, coaching, support and direction all along the way


    Sample Agenda

    (Note: The facilitator will stay ONLINE during OFFLINE sections and will be available by phone the whole time in case of questions or issues that arise).

    1 PM: Welcome and Introductions ONLINE
    1:10 PM: Framing the day and Getting in the AI mindset ONLINE
    1:20 PM: Step 1: Discovery. You and your group will break up into pairs or triads and engage in storytelling to find the “positive core”, followed by your leader’s debrief – OFFLINE
    1:50 PM: Get back ONLINE and report in findings

    2 PM: Framing Step 2: Dream ONLINE
    2:05 PM: Step 2: Dream. You and your group will do two different short activities to identify participants’ visions for the future OFFLINE
    2:30 PM: Get back ONLINE and report in findings
    2:45 PM: Framing Step 3: Design ONLINE
    2:55 PM: Step 3: Design. You and your group will do engage in small group Design Thinking to drill down on what you need to start, stop and continue doing to turn your vision into a reality for your Federation OFFLINE

    3:30 PM: Check in ONLINE and prepare for Destiny.
    3:35 PM: Facilitate Destiny conversation about specific requests, offers, commitments and next steps OFFLINE
    3:50 PM: Final check in ONLINE and Wrap Up



    “Deb has been a respected speaker and facilitator for a number of our JCC conferences over the past few years. While I've heard about her energy, hard work in preparing, and meaningful content, it took her recent keynote speech at our annual JCCs of North America Professional Conference to make me realize what an incredible asset she is. Watching her present a content-filled, energetic, and personalized session -- without using any notes -- was very impressive. Deb is a multi-talented, serious, and impactful presenter."

    – Allan Finkelstein, Past President and CEO, JCC Association of North America

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