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    The Swastika at My Kids’ School

    Last Friday afternoon, I received an email from my kids’ school informing parents that a swastika had been discovered on the wall of the faculty bathroom.
    I felt:
    …and that was just the beginning.

    I also felt:
    Inspired…that my family and I could talk about the impact of this honestly and openly
    Relieved…that nobody was physically hurt
    Hopeful…that the school administration would take aggressive measures to find the culprit
    Compassionate…towards others who are also feeling threatened or unsafe
    Touched…at how many friends and family members reached out to us
    Open…to how others experienced this incident
    Energized…to give more tzedakah to causes that protect the vulnerable
    Protective…of my family and community
    Proud…to be a Jew

    A Ladino Proverb reminds us: “Who is blind? Who declines to see light.” And while there is no part of me that believes that a swastika at school is, in any way, positive or productive, there is a part of me that can simultaneously see the positivity and productivity that can result from such a terrible blow.

    I am committed to bringing more positivity and productivity to the world, and I am eager to start now. Please read and share this complimentary chapter, How to Create Positivity at Work from my Little Book of Big Ideas for Jewish Professionals.

    To Your Success without the Tsuris,


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    – Allan Finkelstein, Past President and CEO, JCC Association of North America

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